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Todd Webster of the Porch Cafe on Ocean Drive Serves up Art Basil’s Piece de Resistance

December 8, 2012/ Art Basil’s finale unfolded on the north end of Ocean Drive at the venerable  Front Porch Café  housed in the authentic Art Deco atrium of the alluring ‘Z’ Hotel.   Art Basil’s spontaneous celebrations further congealed into a delicious soufflé of ingredients that had included heated moments, a retrospective of fashion by Coco […]

Culinary Art Basil is Blessed by Spirits of the Tsars and Crowned by Rock Garden Herbs

The essence of Culinary Art Basil, “is respecting and appreciating the source of all finer things life bestows on us.  Channeling the spirit of the First Thanksgiving where Native Americans staved off the starvation of the first wave of European settlers to Plymouth, Art Basilites also espouse that nothing be taken for granted “,  opines […]

Art Basil Miami 2012 – December 6, 7 & 8

South Florida/Palm Beach. For Immediate Release, November 19, 2012. From small seeds do mighty oaks (and palm trees) grow. As Art Basel and Art Miami enter into a 2nd decade December 5-9, the two intertwined Art extravaganzas forge ahead as an unrivaled testament to tenacity. The 2nd artbasil.test has been created in honoraria of the 2 events […]