Executive Chef Alexander Martinez whom at times has more restaurants than a baker’s dozen under his meticulous watch was an early inspiration in the genesis of ArtBasil along with Sublette Hernandez who now ply her trade at Southern Wine and Spirits.
He is quiet and soft spoken , his passion is revealed in the complexity of his cuisine modulated with a regal humility. Along with a love for calm cooking, a passion for music makes Martinez a man of two worlds. Though you can’t watch his best performance in kitchen, you may find Martinez playing guitar at another local venue.
His soups and broths are rejuvenate , medicine for the soul. Diners swoon with his alchemy of flavors that one day may combine ginger with a reduction of poultry and field to table seasonal root vegetables.
I always cooked with my mother and grandmother. When I was in high school I took home economics That was a popular class for dudes to take. “Where the girls are the boys would follow” Growing up, the heart of our home was in the kitchen. After high school I found work in kitchens, you might say I was destined for my calling. And I still hear her sweet refrain over the chop chop, sizzle and steam.